Monday, 2 January 2012

Why Mitt Romney will be the Republican Presidential Nominee

2012 can conjure up a lot of things from the alleged 'end of the world' to the London Olympics. However the fate of Western civilization for the next four years is also at stake. Yes everybody, it is also the year America elects a President.  With the Democratic President Barack Obama standing for re-election, who will challenge him? The race to become the Republican Presidential candidate begins tomorrow in the Mid-Western State of Iowa. 

Ahead of the Iowa vote, the polls point towards former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney winning not only here, but amongst Republican's nationally.

Many believe the vote will be close with Romney generally only able to secure marginal leads in the polls over his nearest rivals the Texas Congressman Ron Paul and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. However, when it really comes down to it, Mr Romney will eventually take the nomination. With no disrespect to either Paul or Santorum, Romney represents the best chance the GOP have to wrestle the Presidency out of Obama's grasp.

For one, Romney is first and foremost a capitalist. This is what America inherently believes in and therefore will have a willingness to kick-start the economy and put America back to work.Romney's plans place an emphasis on free enterprise, innovation, trade, energy production and labor flexibility. It is a step back to the economic conservative thinking that built America into the worlds economic powerhouse. 

Planning to cut government spending, bureaucracy and encouraging private sector growth through a series of economically beneficial tax cuts shows that Mr Romney firmly understands that Government cannot be the solution to America's economic woes. Real job creation can only be done via the Private sector as these are real tangible economic institutions be they a small business with little more than 3 employees or a large Wall Street firm with over 100,000. His economic policies are sensible and will appeal to both America's right and center. 

Romney's stances on Healthcare too, will go down well with the Republican establishment as well as those independent voters who wish to remain personally responsible for their own medical needs rather than hand this responsibility over to the government.  Romney will ensure that access to care is improved by slowing increases in costs as well as making healthcare portable and flexible across the nation thus increasing choice for the average American. Increased choice will ensure decreased costs due to more competition. 

Internationally Romney represents the Republican's best chance for success. Romney plans to base American foreign policy on strong values, a strong economy and a strong military. The GOP front runner firmly believes in a mixture of hard and soft diplomacy through a strategy of hard negotiation, sanctions and if necessary the use of military force. This is a very sensible approach and will ensure that America stands up to the likes of China and Russia where necessary thus protecting and enhancing America's interests overseas. 

Mitt Romney has sensible solutions to the three most pressing issues affecting the United States at present. They are not too far right, nor are they too far left, thus ensuring that he has the best chance of securing the centrist vote and thus giving the 'Elephants' the best chance at the Presidency. 

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